Curriculum Vitae

I have always been passionate about computer science and love learning new things, particularly in web development. Since 2018, I have been working as a professional software developer. The following is a summary of my accumulated work experience and skills, as listed in this resume.
Work experience
since January 2020 Software Developer and since June 2023 Product Owner
at Ceyoniq Technology GmbH
- Responsible for the development of an interpreter for a "WYSIWYG" layout designer. The interpreter dynamically assembles a web interface from the ECM system's data.
- Core work areas:
- Development of a REST API in Java to collect data from the ECM system, enabling the user interface to be populated with accurate data.
- The data is interpreted in the frontend, where the application logic is implemented using the Vue.js framework with TypeScript.
- Creation of a script API (TypeScript/JavaScript) for advanced users to add specific business logic not available in the standard ECM system.
- Unit testing with Vitest/Jest, integration, and e2e testing with Playwright.
- Development of a web component library using the Lit web component framework.
- Leading and organizing a cross-function team.
- Ensuring alignment between sprint tasks and the strategic objectives of the company.
- Defining and prioritizing product features.
- Maintaining a well-groomed product backlog (using Jira).
- Fostering effective communication between team members and stakeholders.
- Additional responsibilities:
- Introduced TypeScript, (JavaScript/TypeScript) unit testing, and e2e testing with Playwright company-wide at Ceyoniq.
- Promoted to Product Owner due to dedication and strategic vision.
- Also responsible as Lead Developer for the team.
January 2019 - December 2019 Software Developer
at Pro Personal Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Core work areas:
- Embedded snippets (web applications with TypeScript and React) into SharePoint, accessible to multiple teams within the company.
- Developed a web server (using node.js) to retrieve data from various sources (Excel, SharePoint lists, database of the external employee management software) with the goal of presenting the data in a dashboard (also a SharePoint snippet) for management.
- Developed a monitoring system to track the availability of all company branches, supporting the internal IT department.
- This project was part of my Bachelor's thesis, which I wrote and implemented at this company.
- Using node.js as backend and for the clients in the company branches. React in the frontend.
February 2017 - November 2018 Working Student
at Pro Personal Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Core work areas:
- See core work areas of Pro Personal Holding GmbH & Co. KG in the section above.
April 2018 - August 2018 Tutor for the subject Programming Methods (Java)
at FH Bielefeld, Campus Minden
- Core work areas:
- Developing new assignments with the lecturer and other tutors.
- Creating sample solutions for new assignments.
October 2017 - February 2018 Tutor for the subject System Programming (C, C++)
October 2017 - February 2018 Tutor for the subject Object-Oriented Programming (Java)
April 2017 - August 2017 Tutor for the subject Algorithms and Data Structures (Java & Python)
October 2016 - February 2017 Tutor for the subject Scripting Languages (Python)
at FH Bielefeld, Campus Minden
- Core work areas:
- Reviewing submitted software.
- Explaining errors.
- Ensuring that the solution was understood and matches the task requirements.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
at FH Bielefeld, Campus Minden
- 10.2018 Bachelor’s thesis completed with a grade of 1.3
- 10.2015 - 10.2018 Degree program: Computer Science, final grade 2.2
I am very interested in web technologies and continuously expand my knowledge in this field. In addition to the skills I have already listed, such as Node.js, TypeScript, and Vue.js, I also experiment with technologies that are less familiar to me. To get an impression of my abilities, you can visit my project page and my GitHub profile.